Censored Voices: The Hidden Dangers of AI and the Fight for Free Speech in The United States of America

In recent months, an unsettling trend has emerged across major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and even OpenAI. Users, like me, who attempt to speak openly about the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) and its profound impact on the workforce are finding their content increasingly censored. This suppression of free speech is not just an inconvenience; it poses a grave threat to the democratic principles upon which the United States was founded.

The Suppression of Critical Voices

As we navigate an era where AI technology rapidly evolves, voices raising legitimate concerns about job displacement and ethical considerations are being stifled. For instance, I recently posted on Facebook about the significant wave of job displacement due to AI, which has already affected the United States and is poised to impact other nations, including my home country, France. Despite the urgency of this message, it quickly fell under the radar due to platform algorithms favoring more commercially viable content.

![Pinned Post](file-rn0mSO760pougd6MEdJK3AxV)

Engaging in Constructive Dialogue

Attempting to engage in meaningful discussions about AI’s societal impact has become increasingly challenging. In a recent exchange on Facebook, I discussed the potential downfall of the American Empire due to inaction by the Biden-Harris administration regarding AI regulation. The conversation highlighted the resistance many people have towards accepting the data-backed reality of AI's impact. Despite providing data and referring to well-known movies like "Don't Look Up" to emphasize my point, the discussion faced significant pushback.


Clarifying Misinformation

It's crucial to distinguish between poll predictions and historical data. As I clarified in another discussion, the data regarding Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote and the scientific consensus on global warming are well-supported by historical events and scientific research, unlike speculative poll predictions. Yet, this distinction is often muddied in social media debates, leading to further misunderstanding and misinformation.


Leveraging AI for Good

Despite the challenges, I believe in leveraging AI for societal good. My 119-page open letter to the U.S. Congress details how AI can be harnessed to benefit society, provided it's regulated and implemented ethically. This dual-use nature of AI—its potential for both significant benefit and harm—underlines the necessity of open, transparent discussions about its development and deployment.

![Leverage AI](file-1zPKt7SpgMlMQ9mNEctJ1ehF)

The Harsh Reality of Job Displacement

As a displaced tech worker unable to reenter the job market due to AI and automation, I am acutely aware of the economic and social ramifications. Each day, approximately 780 tech workers lose their jobs, a statistic that underscores the urgency of addressing AI's impact on employment. This isn't just a personal plight; it's a widespread issue that affects thousands of individuals and their families.

![Job Displacement](file-1zPKt7SpgMlMQ9mNEctJ1ehF)

The Global Perspective

The president of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has predicted that nearly 40% of the global workforce could be impacted by AI, with up to 60% in developed countries like the United States. These figures are staggering and demand immediate attention and action from policymakers.

![IMF Prediction](file-yINeZiLVFYN2XsMhBobaeuPk)

![IMF Chief](file-bzb5qJqpg22xmJTWJjzsqC7x)

In a recent attempt to share this critical information, my account was restricted for 24 hours by a social media platform. The restriction notice stated that my activity didn’t follow community standards, preventing me from posting or sharing content.

![Account Restriction](file-CtGaRTHbQl2aphAiOAUzvR0d)

![Account Restriction Details](file-awBLAfocGYI3iN9qsbE78H1f)

Messages on Censorship

In my frustration, I shared a message indicating how I was censored by Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and OpenAI for telling the truth about AI's impact. This action reflects the severe censorship issues faced by those who speak out against powerful interests.

![Censored Message](file-DE428593-908E-46EA-9183-F116F9F260C5.jpeg)

Additionally, I tried to emphasize the unethical practices of AI and the censorship encountered during my advocacy efforts. The content was removed from my hosting website and ChatGPT, further highlighting the issue.

![Unethical Practices](file-A8ImuwV7JyeFPQMGTKgmZ9Ns)

![Censorship Analysis](file-O9WC1IwN9NKnZT9HSjjPChAm)

![Censorship Conclusion](file-9FmJ90M7BkEUJjAyYz3VUqMT)

Conversation with a Personal Friend

To further illustrate the inconsistencies in Facebook’s content review process, here is a conversation I had with a friend on Facebook. The comments were publicly available on the platform, but when I tried to share similar content as a personal story, it was censored, making me believe that the process for reviewing story posts differs from comments.

![Friend Conversation](file-kf37X7JwHrK9OWQ4LHWsjiHA)

The full conversation can be found publicly as the first link on my wall on Facebook here. See below an extract.

Friend: Guuuuuurl, really?

You: Yes guuuurl, it’s happening. Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration not doing anything about this. This could be well the end of the American Empire as we know it. Have you read about the Roman's Empire collapsing? History repeats itself. Byyyye. Miss you.

Friend: I do not subscribe to extremes. See you soon.

You: It’s okay to be ignorant. The data says otherwise. Have you seen the movie "Don’t Look Up?" 😘

Friend: I also do not subscribe to calling friends ignorant.

You: The data also showed Hillary Clinton winning the presidency and that the ice caps in the north pole would be gone by 2020.

You: 😆 Poll elections are not real data as it is based on predictions, not historical data and she won the popular vote against Donald Trump but it doesn’t count here as the U.S. is not a real democracy. We’ve gone through 5 Republics in France and been adapting to current times. Can you believe a guy who has been working in data analytics for a decade and been researching hundreds of research papers by experts in the field of AI for the last 6 months? Regarding Global Warming, Al Gore was right, we’ve reached the "point of no return" already. Sad but true fact. It’s an "Inconvenient Truth."

You: The AI seem to say I’m right on this one and it has the brain of the entire World Wide Web. Are you doubting yourself now or are you so sure? 😘

First Amendment Infringement

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech. This fundamental right is essential for the functioning of a democratic society. The increasing censorship of content discussing AI's dangers and the broader implications on the workforce by private tech companies can be seen as an infringement on this right. When platforms that dominate public discourse selectively silence voices, they undermine the very essence of free speech.

Immediate Government Action Needed

Given the significant role that social media platforms play in shaping public opinion and discourse, it is crucial that the U.S. government steps in to ensure that these platforms do not become tools for censorship. There needs to be clear regulations and oversight to protect free speech in the digital age. The government must act swiftly to:

1. Establish Clear Guidelines: Define what constitutes acceptable content moderation without infringing on free speech.

2. Ensure Transparency: Require platforms to be transparent about their content moderation policies and practices.

3. Protect Whistleblowers: Safeguard those who speak out against unethical practices and ensure their voices are not silenced.

4. Promote Ethical AI: Develop and enforce regulations that ensure AI technologies are used ethically and do not infringe on fundamental rights.

Conclusion: The Threat to Democracy

The increasing censorship of content discussing AI's dangers and the broader implications on the workforce is not just a technological issue; it’s a democratic one. When voices are silenced, and open discourse is stifled, the very foundation of democracy is at risk. It's imperative that we advocate for transparency, ethical AI implementation, and policies that protect jobs and democratic freedoms.

The time to act is now. We must ensure that the rise of AI benefits all of society, not just a select few, and that the principles of free speech and democracy are upheld in the digital age.

I am feeling physically ill at the moment, overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation and the persistent suppression of critical discussions on this topic. Our collective future depends on addressing these challenges head-on.


Broken Healthcare System Nightmare: Can AI Fix It?


Bracing for Impact: The Harsh Reality of Job Displacement due to AI across The World